About Us
About Us
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, education and encouragement of learning about Succulent and Bromeliad plants. We further promote friendship with knowledge, by teaching and educating enthusiasts in the growing and caring of Succulents and Bromeliads
Our Society holds regular monthly general meetings featuring knowledgeable guest speakers to educate, advise and share their experiences about these fascinating groups of plants. Other Society activities include; plant displays, plant sales, nursery visits, bus trips and field days to gardens & growers' collections.
The Society produces an informative bimonthly journal called "Bromlink," which is available to all members and associated societies. It carries regular and special articles and features like the advertising of upcoming events, plant descriptions, monthly meeting topics, competition results, reports, book reviews, plant cultivation and propagation and the items for sale including plants, seeds, books and magazines.
We also maintain a website at: www.gcsbs.au, and a Facebook group page at: www.facebook.com/groups/GCSBS/.
Visitors are always welcome at our sales & meetings. We also welcome new membership applications.
Visit our next meeting & join in the fellowship and entertainment and consider becoming a member.
The Aims of Our Society
a) to stimulate interest in the conservation, and to promote the culture and development of the succulents and bromeliads,
b) to acquire and disseminate information regarding these plants and to encourage their production and propagation,
c) to ban totally from our collection any such plants which become noxious,
d) to enlighten members and the public on the dangers of cultivating certain noxious species,
e) to give exhibitions, arrange field days, and other events, and to make such publications as are deemed desirable,
f) to associate, affiliate or otherwise joint or connect ourselves with similar bodies or societies,
g) to make seeds and plants available to members under the control of the Society, and
h) to foster family membership and members
Our Constitution and bylaws